- All our challenges have a cause.
- All our difficulties, pain and challenges have a Solution.
- We are all connected.
- Each part of the tree contains the whole.
- Everyone has a right to belong to their clan.
- Love is everything.
- Every tree can be healed.
- The challenges are not personal.
- Opening our tree and acknowledging our ancestors is healing for us and for the clan.
- Our healing goes back to our ancestors and forward to future generations.
- For the brain and subconscious, the symbolic, physical and imaginary are all the same.
- Our conscious and unconscious memories, perception and intuition work together in our decoding Process.
- The soul of the clan has a tendency toward balance.
- We live in a generous Universe that gives us the opportunity to solve what was not solved in our tree.
- We have a tendency to complete what our ancestors did not.
- If I am happy, I bring happiness to my clan!!